Meet the Parents

Family Trip to Taiwan: Lucky Art Crayon Factory

June 25, 2019

Following our visit to National Center for Traditional Arts, we headed over to Lucky Art Crayon Factory, where the children participated in their 4-part workshop to create their own artwork and make their own art materials!

玩色工坊: Play Colour Workshop

The workshop started easy with painting and putting together their own pinwheel.

The children learnt how to paint and create various shapes using the sponge. They attempted what the trainer had demonstrated and did a pretty awesome job, if I say so myself!

彩色筆DIY區: DIY Markers Area

Following that, the children got to experience how markers were made hands-on. Every participant is allowed to pick 3 colours each, so we picked out our colours such that we have all of them and some extras.

蜡筆DIY區: DIY Crayons Area

After learning how markers were put together, the children gathered in another room to make their own crayon.

Unlike the markers, where they made them in individual colours, the crayon portion of this workshop had the children cramming all the colours they like into a castle-like mould (which is actually the shape of the crayon factory building) before using pressure to firm them up.

For the last part of the workshop, the children decided to give it a miss because it was all about face/body painting. They have a love/hate relationship with it. Depending on their mood, they’re either super game for it or absolutely want nothing to do with it. That day, they decided it’s a no-go for them. Haha!

So we left the workshop early and headed over to the gift shop, where we redeemed two boxes of their Pearl Crayons – something the children can use, yet different from what they already have, and pretty uncommon to find in Singapore (to us, at least).

Note: I used the word ‘redeem’ instead of ‘purchase’ cos each entrance ticket purchased for the workshop (if I remember correctly, it’s about NT$200) came with a NT$100 shopping voucher which can be used at their gift shop. So with NT$300, we went all in for their Pearl Crayons. Haha!

And that marked the end of the afternoon activitiy!

Oh, and we made quick stops at Tofu Cape (豆腐岬) and Nan Fang Ao Fishing Harbor (南方澳渔港) before heading to dinner.

  1. Hi, can I check with you if we need to make a booking for the kids to participate in the workshop or we can just walk-in? Thanks.

    1. Hi, we did a walk-in on a weekday. It wasn’t too crowded when we visited so we could join the next group going in. I think it’ll be best if you give them a call in advance to confirm.

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