
A Peter Rabbit Tale Review

April 3, 2017

Media Invite The weekend before last, we watched ‘A Peter Rabbit Tale‘ by SRT’s The Little Company and it was an entertaining 50-minutes play! From the colourful costumes to the well-timed musical numbers and the liveliness of the cast, we thoroughly enjoyed the show, and we weren’t the only ones. Everyone in the theater was […]

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Totts Golf Holiday Camp at SandBank

March 27, 2017

Media Invite I remember back when I was in primary school, my parents would sign us up for all kinds of holiday classes and camps to keep us entertained. So over the March Holidays – Blake’s first official term break! – the children went for their first holiday camp. To be more specific, it was […]

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Amazonia Singapore

January 12, 2017

Media Invite The start of a new school year marks the start of a new routine and schedule. What a change from what we’ve been so used to for the past few years. Thankfully, the children have been adjusting well in their respective schools on their own. We also had some help to normalize things […]

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Pizza Making at Atmosphere Bistro

December 15, 2016

Media Invite The children had a sneak peek into the life of being a chef when they attended the pizza making workshop at Atmosphere Bistro along East Coast Parkway. They learnt about the importance of personal hygiene while handling food and were walked through the steps of thorough hand-washing before following the chefs to wash […]

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