Meet the Children

Blake’s First Hair Cut

August 12, 2012

Blake has never had a shave nor a hair cut from the day he was born. Only a tiny snip was given as significance for his first month celebrations. At 23 months old, I have absolutely no idea how Blake would react to a pair of scissors to his hair.

So, about a week ago, when I was bathing for Blake, I thought it would be a good idea to give Blake’s hair a little trim. It was getting long, with his fringe close to his eyes. And being in his favourite duck tub, playing with all his toys, it seemed like a good opportunity for me to take for that trim!

One of his latest photos before the trim I gave him

But alas, what a terrible, terrible idea! His hair looked really good after trimming when wet, but the moment it dried… Let’s just say, now I know why some children end up with hairstyles that look like a bowl was placed on their head during a haircut. Only a mother with no hair styling, hair cutting experience, and skill could cause something like this to happen.

After my failed attempt in trimming his hair

I felt really bad, but I also could not stop laughing when I see him in that hair style! It was a vicious cycle. I would look at him, burst out laughing for a good five to 10 minutes, then I’ll feel guilty cos I was the one who did that to his hair! Then I will look away, but the moment I see him again…

Since then, I’ve been contemplating sending Blake to a hair salon to rescue his mother’s very failed attempt at trimming his hair.

That day arrived, on National Day.

Sean went for his own haircut at EC House at Bedok Point. And I had Blake look at Sean having his haircut. The lady (her name is Janice Loy) cutting Sean’s hair asked about Blake’s hair, and I told her I was the one who messed it up. She said it wasn’t so bad, cos the back looked okay. She even offered to cut Blake’s hair, and will only accept payment if she managed to cut it properly for Blake! We took up the offer immediately!

When it was Blake’s turn to have his haircut, we decided that it was best for Sean to carry him, while I distracted him with games and videos on our mobile phone. Blake struggled a little from time to time, and throughout the whole time, Janice was very careful with Blake. She reacted really fast to Blake’s sudden hand movements to his head. Impressive!

Blake soon settled down when Janice gave Blake a box of sweets to play with. Sean took a piece out, and gave it to Blake. Blake happily sucked on his candy, while watching his favourite videos. In no time at all, Blake had nice hair again!

My handsome and brave boy after his first proper haircut!

No photos of the process sadly! Blake’s first hair cut, and I only remembered about taking photos and videos when we left. But hey, that’s what online blogs are for, right? If I can’t have it in photos or videos, at least I got them down in words! And that’s good enough for me! 😀

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