Meet the Parents

Flashback Friday #36: Wedding Highlights

March 22, 2013

9 December 2006 – That’s the day Sean and I went through the traditional Chinese customary wedding, and on the same night, our wedding banquet.

So many fond memories from that day, but here are the top ten highlights! All of which I can still remember very, VERY, clearly! Haha.

Moment #1:

Before Sean could enter the room I was in (after finishing all the games), my mom said he had to finish a cup of bitter tea to signify 先苦后甜(loosely translated: bitter first, sweet later). My mom had put a bunch of tea leaves in the small cup, only to realize after Sean finished the cup, that she only needed 2-3 pieces of the bitter tea leaves in a tea pot to achieve the bitterness! Haha. I cannot imagine how that drink must have tasted that day!

Moment #2:

Our wedding car was Sean’s old sports two-seater (which we bade farewell to just before Blake was born), and it was really difficult to get in and out off with my wedding gown! And this was with the smallest/flattest/thinnest crinoline/petticoat!

Moment #3:

We took some time to drop by Bedok Reservoir Park (yes, the infamous one – it’s very, very near our place!) to take some wedding photos and as it turns out, there were tents and decorations set up for an event that day. And since there weren’t anyone around the tent, we took photos with the balloon columns that were placed outside. Haha!

Moment #4:

We were about to leave the park for my in-law’s when the photographer said the road within the car park was clear, so we could take photos with the car. We basically took photos until a lorry came from behind before leaving. Haha!

Moment #5:

Tossing of the bouquet! I had specially requested that the tables near the stage be placed further apart so that I can have this! I did it for fun actually. Hahaha. Only on the 3rd try did someone catch it. First time, I tossed it too high, but not far enough. Didn’t even go pass the stage, I think. Haha! Second time, it landed on the floor with no one near it. Too funny! By the third time, when my friend finally caught it, the bouquet was pretty much smashed. Hahaha!

Moment #6:

I was quite excited for the popping of the champagne, but when I was passed a glass of it, I immediately turned to Sean and asked, “Do I really have to drink it?” He told me to just take a sip at most before this photo was taken. Just in case you didn’t know, I don’t drink alcohol. All too bitter for my liking. The only alcoholic drink I remember being very sweet and nice tasting was Frangelico – and even then, I’ve only ever drank it once.

Moment #7:

Then came all the alcoholic games and whatnots that usually comes after the champagne toast. Remember earlier I mentioned I don’t drink alcohol? Well, see above pictures when I was told to drink up, and when my elder sister came to my rescue. Haha!

Moment #8:

I enjoy teasing my little cousin Nicole when she was a toddler. When she was three, and you asked her how old she was, she would reply, “T year old!” Haha.

Moment #9:

I was given the challenge of kissing my cousin, Evelyn. So like a crazed bride, I pounced, and my prey fell. Didn’t get to kiss her. And she thought she was off the hook, until…

Moment #10:

Haha! What a bride wants, a bride gets! 😛

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