Meet the Children

Why I Breastfed for Three Months

March 4, 2014

This is part of ‘Why I Breastfed for…’ Blog Train I was a first time mom, beaming with pride and joy when my baby boy, Blake, entered our lives in September 2010. Little did I know that the very first thing that I would ‘fail’ as a mother was being unable to provide him with […]

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Meet the Children

Flashback Friday #47: Baby Photos

June 7, 2013

Clockwise from top left: Sean, Myself, Nakayla and Blake Do our babies look like us? Hehe. * * * Have an old post that has yet to be published, and still in the draft folder? Don’t know how a super backdated event you wish to write about can fit into your current up-to-date life? Fret […]

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Meet the Children

Flashback Friday #43: Walking Home

May 10, 2013

23 October 2011: Blake walking home through the park connector leading back to our place, after dinner. * * * Have an old post that has yet to be published, and still in the draft folder? Don’t know how a super backdated event you wish to write about can fit into your current up-to-date life? […]

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Meet the Children

Flashback Friday #42: Co-sleep?

May 3, 2013

23 October 2011: Blake woke up earlier than expected, and we were both still very tired so we let Blake have his breakfast in our bed, while we continued to sleep. This was probably the only time we allow him to “co-sleep” with us. We’ve always had this fear that we will crush Blake in […]

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Meet the Parents

First Time is Never Easy

March 19, 2013

The first month after having Blake, I had help. During my confinement period then, I had Sean, my mom and grandmother around to help me – from cooking to laundry to baby duties. But all that ended the moment I moved back home after confinement. Sean returned to work, and I was all alone. With […]

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