Meet the Parents

Saturday Morning Snapshots #8

April 27, 2013

Got my lazy bum up early in the morning to make it to the Civil Service Club at Tessensohn Road. It was raining when I left the house, but thankfully for me, my dad gave me a ride down! Hehe.

If you’re wondering why I woke up so early on a Saturday morning just to go to a clubhouse alone, I was there for a bake class with Munch Ministry, specially opened for the members of Singapore Mom Bloggers (SMB)! It was my first group activity with SMB and I have to say, I feel so welcomed! Thank you, ladies 🙂

Here’s a snapshot from the day with my partner, Rachel of Catch 40 Winks and our cupcakes!

Thanks for taking the photo, Cherie!

A full post on our awesome bake class will be up soon! So do check back 😛

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