Meet the Children

Blake is 3 : The Birthday Party

September 18, 2013

First and foremost, I would like to thank all the lovely guests for gracing us with their presence at Blake’s 3rd birthday party! All of you truly made a great difference to the party, and I couldn’t have asked for better guests.

Besides attending the party, all of you were so kind to have helped me take photos after knowing that there’s a glitch in the photography department. While it’s a little upsetting that I didn’t get to take photos with everyone, and that the DIY photobooth section I prepared became a little redundant cos of the glitch, I’m still very glad that all of you came and, hopefully, had fun! Hehe.

And here are the snapshots (with brief description) from the party, with quite a few contributed by my guests!

With Regina

Regina’s husband came to the rescue when there wasn’t anyone around to help start the fire for our BBQ! Sean was at his school’s open house, and my brother had to run some errands for us. Thank you so much, Jeffrey!

The lovely Tan family 🙂

One of my two favourite bakers! Natasha from Tash Bakes with her brother, and fiancé. Thank you so much for sending the cake down!

Birthday boy in his duck tee that flew all the way from UK!

Yums served by my favourite caterer, YLS!

From BBQ man to camera man – my brother switched roles when I needed his help in taking photographs

The Birthday boy and his “dinner”

With my baby girl 🙂

With my mom and littlest cousin

Thank you for coming all the way down just to give us your birthday blessing, Cedric!

My aunt stepped in to help BBQ when I asked my brother to help take photos.
Thank you so much, Aunty Doris!

Cake cutting time!
Nakayla had fallen asleep by this time, which explains why she’s not in the picture.

Blake actually had a lot of fun cutting his birthday cake. He came home and pretended to cut his soft toy duck up like he did with the cake, and proceeded to “eat it”. Haha!

With Sha, who twirl’d my wedding’s wrist corsages!

Friends from the secondary school days! I’m the youngest of the lot, but you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference, right?

With Wendy and Ruby, bestest forum friends of mine! The three of us basically covered the entire dress code theme – Blue, Yellow and flowers by the pond! Haha.

And last but not least, with Cherie!

Overall, Blake’s third birthday party was nothing short of being happening, if I say so myself. It not only showed me how awesome each and every guest I had invited and turned up were, but it also showed me that I’ve grown up a little, and I am capable of ignoring people without bearing a grudge.

While some unexpected and highly disappointing incidents happened at the party, I’m choosing to ignore it and leave that memory, and the people in it, behind. Slowly, but surely, I’ll learn how to move on with my life, leaving behind other bad memories that have been weighing me down – some for a few years now. That’s me seeing the bright side of things, and all learnt through my baby boy’s 3rd birthday party 🙂

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