Meet the Children

My Take on Family Exercise. For Now…

January 30, 2014

Ever since Blake was born, exercising has taken a backseat for me. I’m constantly feeling tired, and I keep thinking there’s simply not enough time for me to do what I want (i.e. enjoying a video or two, alone, in peace), so it’s pretty obvious that exercising is the last thing on my mind.

Yet, the husband is quite the opposite. He actually finds time to exercise after the children came along, no matter how tired or laden with work he is. And no, I don’t mean running off to the gym, leaving me home alone with the kids. He buys the equipment he needs and he works out at home, making use of every part of the house. This way, he can still help me with the children in between sets!

One of the things we spoke about after having Blake was that we need to exercise as a family, especially since Physical Education in schools is now a measly 30 minutes per week (do correct me if I’m wrong).

And it’s been paying off so far! Blake and Nakayla are both so keen to learn what daddy’s doing. It’s hilarious!

The only problem is… Sean’s like constantly trying to burst the sleeves of the clothes I buy for him. I seriously hope his arms can go through his new shirt tomorrow, I bought it months in advance!

Then, something funny happened about 3 weeks back.

In one of the many hugs we give each other for no apparent reason, Sean lifted me up. He then said he wanted to try something, and this happened. Hearing my crazy high-pitched laughter sent the boy our way, and he wanted in on some action too. This got the girl’s attention (who was playing in her cot), and she started calling out to us, which led to this…

A few days later, Sean said that he wanted to try something new again. And so we did. This reminded me of a scene from Season 8, Episode 6 – Splitsville – of ‘How I Met Your Mother’:

I showed Sean this particular scene, and it motivated him further. He said that he’ll work towards having all four of us on him while doing push-ups!

And ta-dah!

We’re exercising as a family! Kind of. Haha!

Seriously not easy holding both children while hoping I won’t fall off!

It’s not exactly what we originally had in mind for our family exercise, but it’s a good enough start for sure! Fun for the children and me, and a great workout for Sean. It’s a win-win situation!

And yes, Sean’s taking his role as the family’s “pillar of strength” to a more literal level. Hehe 😛

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On behalf of our little family of four…

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