Meet the Children

Blake’s Swimming Progress Report

February 26, 2014

It has been about 13 lessons since Blake started his first swimming lesson. Currently, he is half-way through his second cycle of swimming lessons, and I thought that maybe I should update on his progress!

Blake has started using the kicking board in swim class from a while back, but he’s still trying to get a hang of it. He doesn’t seem to enjoy kicking as much as he used to. Maybe cos he can finally feel the weight of himself, or maybe he knows my dad will hold him afloat. I have to keep yelling from the sides, “Blake! You’re not swimming if you’re not kicking! You’re just floating!” to get him kicking for a while.

In order to get Blake to kick so that he can move and stay afloat, the coach got my dad to stand at a short distance away and gave Blake a push in his direction. We practiced that on the sides by having Blake kick towards me (I’m on dry land). The boy will be happy to play along, until he sinks underwater. Haha!

But the boy’s a trooper. He will get back up, scream a little, and head back into the pool for more. Hehe.

Besides learning how to use the kicking board, Blake has also been learning how to deal with the cold waters and holding his breath with his head under water. I’m really pleased to know that my boy is one resilient boy!

The only problem we have is getting him to wear goggles.

He hates the goggles and will cry when he sees it. I’ve tried getting him a new pair, calling it swimming sunglasses. I told him that he must wear it to protect his eyes from the sun. It worked the first time at home, but once we were at the pool… Sigh…

Goggles aside, I’m glad that Blake enjoys his swimming classes, even though he may not have been the happiest boy when I run into his room every Sunday morning and go, “Blake! Let’s go swimming!” Hehe. He usually perks up on the car ride over.

And in the very last lesson, we found out that he is tall enough to tiptoe his way around the pool!

Oh how my boy has grown!

In about another 3 more lessons, the baby girl will be joining her big brother in the swimming pool for lessons. I can’t wait! 😀

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