
SG50 August Giveaway: My Little Pony

August 20, 2015


Back when I was still in secondary school, the first day of August will normally have all of us girls pretty excited because it’s friendship day! We used to prepare pretty little flowers, candies and other items that we know our friends love and give it to them on this special day, to celebrate our friendship.

The most common item was probably these paper tulips!

All along, I had thought this friendship day was a special tradition in my school, but I’m wrong… The International Friendship Day is actually on 2nd August!

And this August, My Little Pony is celebrating friendship the whole month!

In case you didn’t know, one of the core values for My Little Pony is friendship, and this month, the team from Hasbro Singapore has taken the initiative to teach children about helping others and the power of the friendship through varies activities.

Now, isn’t that a really cool initiative?

My Little Pony Giveaway!

Hasbro Singapore wants to share the love of friendship with my readers and has prepared a $50 My Little Pony hamper for one lucky reader! Just follow the widget below to stand a chance to win the hamper. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Play-Doh Giveaway Terms and Conditions:
– Giveaway ends 23 August, Sunday 2359 hours (Singapore time)
– Limited to one winner per household
– Winners must be in Singapore to self-collect the hamper
– Winners will be selected by 25 August 2015
– Incomplete or invalid entries will be automatically disqualified without notice
– This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook
– Winners will be contacted by Hasbro Singapore (So please make sure you fill up the correct details in the contest!)
– All personal details provided in this contest will be kept confidential. Only details of the winners will be shared with Hasbro Singapore to facilitate the collection of prize.
– We may or may not announce the winner(s) on our social media platforms. Permission will be seek from the winner(s) first.
– We reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice

* * *

Winners have been selected and emails have been sent!

Thanks to everyone who participated 😀

Disclaimer: We received a couple of My Little Pony toys (as seen above) from Hasbro Singapore for the purpose of giveaway.

  1. My best friend is Winnie. We love to go out together and talk anything we feel comfortable. Now we have become parents we have more topics to talk. On special day like birthday or child give birth, we visit each other and celebrate special occasion.

  2. My best friend is SK. Because she is one that I can confide in, share secrets/happiness/worries, exchange ideas with without worrying that our conversations will be leak out.

  3. My best friend is my wife. The defining moment was when she said yes to my proposal to walk this life journey with me. =)

  4. My gf, CF, whom i know for 20 years now. The defining moment was when she allowed me to stay overnight at her place, crying my heart out after my first break-up, with no questions asked. BFF!!!

  5. My BFF is my fren from secondary school .. She has always been there for me all these years and now we have 7 kids in between us !

  6. My bestie Adeline Koo as I know I can tell her everything and anything. She will always lend a listening ear. ;))

  7. My best friend is my Sis! Due to our close age gap, we shared about almost everything! I hope our boys can develop the closeness in their relationships just like ours!

  8. My bestie is Sharon Kwok ! I’ve knew her since we were Secondary 1 ( 16 years ago ) . Both of us click instantly when we first met . We always stick together everywhere we go , till both parties parents knew one another ! We only quarrelled once …. I still remember ….

    She was a prefect & was on duty , so I accompanied her . One of our classmates whom she dislike purposely ate outside of canteen . She even offered me & in the end we ate together . I was so silly that I didn’t realized that we had violated the school rule . After that , my Bestie was mad , refused to talk to me . After recess , we lined up to prepare to go to Science lab . Both of us didn’t talked along the way . U know what ? Everyone in the class was curious & started to ask us what happened ? Because we had never behaved like that before . Luckily , in the end my Bestie chose to forgive me . Once again , we are like before

    Everytime when we talked back about this , we’ll start laughing at our silly childish act . Although now we are busy with our own life but we promise each other we must meet up once in a month . We had never broke the promise yet ! I’m really , really fortunate to have her part of my life . Thank you , Bestie❤

    1. That’s awesome! I guess that incident really left a mark in both your lives – in a good way! – further strengthening the friendship you two have with each other 🙂

  9. My best friend is my cousin – Karen .. She is definitely for keeps as she is always there for me no matter what sort of problematic situation I got myself into .. even though sometimes, she do not agree with what I am doing but she will still be there to support and help me 🙂

    1. It’s so good to have such an awesome supporter, regardless of the situation you’re caught in! What an amazing cousin/best friend you have there 😀

  10. My bff is Pauline. We’ve been through school, travelled, partied hard and scuba dived together. Even if we did not talk for sometime due to our busy schedules, we could seem to “continue” our conversations like no time was lost! Simply amazing!

    Thank you for the sweet giveaway! ⭐️

    FB: Gladys Tiyo
    ️️IG: gladystiyo

    1. My best friend loves to scuba dive, but I don’t. Hahaha! But I love the photos she takes! And yes, whenever she travels, it’s tough to speak to each other, but the continuation has no disruptions at all!

  11. My best friend is from my high school… we bonded over what else …. FOOD!!! We just love eating… sometimes during recess, we would sneak out n go over to the hawker centre to tapao our fav. Nasi lemak!!! A few times we got caught but it made our friendship bond stronger… we still Meet up at the nasi lemak place whenever I visit her in Malaysia

  12. What a lovely giveaway. My girls love My Little Pony. By the way, don’t schools in Singapore celebrate International Friendship Day in April?

  13. My best buddies are Deanna, Fianna and Binly! We have been friends since primary school days and been a pillar of support for each other since then! Marriages, boyfriends issues even miscarriages. Good friends that stay forever are hard to find.

    1. Wow! You have 3 best friends! That’s awesome! It’s so good to know you have a group of best buddies to support one another through life’s ups and downs 😀 And yes, I absolutely agree with you… Good friends that stay forever are hard to find.

  14. My best friend is someone who i treat her like a friend, enemy, lover that is my daughter. We talk like an adult and share different kind of stories and problem together. I will reminds her that no matter what, just treat me like a friend who can share your problem with without keeping a secret to her self. And i definitely sure that she’s are always my friends and daughter to me!!

  15. My best friend is Joanne. Her birthday is 29 February used to joke because 4 year birthday once so she not growing very petite. Some of the fun memories is skip school go home cook together haha so silly reason but at that age is so thrilling and fun. We once brought clothes out and pretend model take turn to take photos change clothes take photos again. The defining moments was years after we missed contact for some time because of a misunderstanding she need to go for a surgery and she called me as she didn’t and couldn’t go alone of cos I took leave and went with her. That time I realize life is not to taken grant and knew good friends are those who stand by, who although not always contact but when you meet the feeling is like always been so familiar and natural with each other.

    1. Such fun memories with your best friend! And I’m so glad that despite the misunderstanding, you’re still the first person she called when she needed someone by her side and that you responded immediately. Life truly cannot be taken for granted and she must have known in her heart and yours that the two of you are going to be best friends forever 🙂

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