Meet the Children

Flashback Friday #50: Blake Loves to Read

July 5, 2013

It’s the big 5-0! Wow! I cannot believe that it has been 50 weeks since I started Flashback Friday. Come 13 July 2013, Saturday, it will be mark a year since the very first Flashback Friday post! Wow! How did time pass so quickly!?

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20 November 2011: This was the day of my sister’s solemnisation. After returning home from the evening’s event, Blake decided to take his ‘Octonauts’ book out for a little reading. And by reading, I mean looking at pictures and pressing the button to make sounds at every page turned.

Blake doesn’t like it when we read books to him. He would take the book away from us and ‘read’ it on his own. Only very recently, when Sean bought him a ‘Dora’ storybook, would Blake sit and finish reading the book with me. Perhaps it was because I told the story quite similar to how the cartoons play out, so to him, it was live-action ‘Dora’ on the sofa. Haha.

Regardless, at least I know Blake will, on his own, grab a book to sit down and read. Even if by reading, it means to look at pictures 🙂

Oh, and now he adds, “The end!“, when he’s done with the book! How cute is that? 😛

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