Meet the Children

Blake is 3 : Birthday in School

September 23, 2013

Last year was the first time we celebrated Blake’s birthday in school, but this year, we got to celebrate on his actual date of birth with his little sister in tow (no longer in the belly)! What made it even more awesome was that Sean was able to join us! 😀

We reached school a little too early. All the little ones were still having their naps. So while waiting for them to get up and wash up, Sean, Nakayla and I were out in the school hall, playing and snapping photos away.

Once all the children were up, and had their faces washed, it was time to party!

Just a while ago, he was in playgroup. Now he’s in nursery 1!

It’s a jungle bird theme cake!

He was so fascinated seeing his stuffed toy animals in their fondant state, on his cake!

This should be an easier sibling photo to take next year. Hehe.

And then we attempted to take family photos before the birthday song, blowing out of candle (Blake did it in one swift blow!), and cake cutting…

The cakes were distributed, the fondant bird figures too. Blake took them and gave them to his teachers and classmates, sharing the sugary goodness. The first figure(s) he took for himself were the little ducks by the pond, at the corner of the cake. Haha.

After having his cake, I took Blake around the school, to visit the other classes to distribute the party favors. He enjoyed this part lots! I think he felt like Santa Claus. Haha. Or, he enjoys being able to give – which is a good thing! 😀

It was so fun, we stayed for longer than we were supposed to (oops!) before heading home. Blake was in such high spirits, I believe from the birthday weekend and school party, he wanted to keep his parrot t-shirt on even after he had his shower at home!

I love seeing my boy so happy!

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