
Shopping for Bags at Ergoworks

December 15, 2014


Last Friday, the children didn’t have school as the childcare centre was closed. After sleeping in and slacking around for a bit in the afternoon, I brought the children out to do something I love – SHOPPING! πŸ˜›

A new school year is coming around soon (it’s mid-December already!) and the children have been wanting to carry their own school bags for the past few months now, but their current school bags are too big for them, especially for Nakayla.

This won’t do their spine or posture any good in the long run

Since I’ve been toying with the idea of getting new bags for the children, and I want to go shopping, might as well kill two birds with one stone, right? This will justify the new bags and shopping trip – Repeat when necessary and it’ll be true. Hehe!

Bearing in mind that I need bags that give my children better posture and provide spinal protection, it’s only natural that I’ll have to find one that’s considered ergonomic.

And that’s when I got stuck.

There are so many companies and brands out there, which one should I go to?

Thankfully, with recommendation from DinoMama, we decided to visit Ergoworks to check out their bags.

It took the children less than a minute to pick out their bags, because their eyes were immediately drawn to the bags we eventually walked off with.

This is by far the fastest shopping trip ever with the children. They actually know what they wanted and went for it straight away without checking the rest out.

Mommy wants us to be sure of the bags we want, so we took a second look

Since they already know what they wanted, the only thing left to decide were the sizes.

For the designs that Blake and Nakayla chose, it comes in two sizes. With the help of the staff there, I was advised to go with the smallest size they have available because of their height.

I was worried that the smaller bag might not be able to fit all their things for school (2 sets of clothes + towel, 5 diapers, water bottle), but the staff assured me that it most definitely will and proceeded to open it for me to examine.

It does look pretty big for something that looks small! And since I wanted to get bags for Blake and Nakayla that would be good for their body size, it’s best that I listen to the experts!

I was also told that these two bags are from their latest collection (my children have good eyes, eh? Haha!) and that the bags are made with recycled drinking bottles. And thanks to that fact, the bags are water resistant and durable. I’m super impressed now!

Oh, and for the first time ever, I’m told that there’s 180 days of warranty against manufacturing defects and breakdowns for school bags! Am I that old of a mountain tortoise, or have I just been buying school bags from the wrong places?

She loves the bright sunshine yellow like me! πŸ˜€

He loves ice cream and desserts like me! πŸ˜€

Seeing the bags the children picked out, it’s pretty obvious that I have a huge influence on them. Nakayla kept going “Yellow, yellow!” while Blake said, “I like the ice cream bag, Mommy! I like ice cream!” Hehe. Oops!

P.S. Good things must share. I found out that further discounts on original priced products will be given if you carry any of these cards, which is like almost all of us!

Note: We were invited to Ergoworks for this shopping experience.

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