
SG50 August Giveaway: Play-Doh!

August 12, 2015


Play-Doh is probably one of the few brands that has managed to transcend from one generation of children to another. At some point in most of our lives, I’m sure Play-Doh made the birthday or Christmas wish list. I know this was my case, and now my children’s!

With this year being Singapore’s Golden Jubilee, I thought about how some things that are uniquely Singapore (to me, at least!) managed to withstand the test of time and continue to be a common sight in our lives, regardless of which generation we’re from.

And these are the things that immediately spring to mind!

Kopi-O with You Tiao

Ever since I was a little girl, I would see elderly uncles (usually) enjoy their morning cup of black coffee with a stick of fried fritter dipped into it. And now, when I’m all grown up, I still see elderly uncles having this for breakfast!

I haven’t tried this combination yet, cos I’m not really a black coffee drinker, but I do love a bowl of soy beancurd to go with my fried fritter!

Paddle Pop Ice Cream

Paddle Pop. WOW! Paddle Pop. YEAH! Super duper YUMMY!

Most from my generation will probably know that little number (are you singing it now? Hehe!), and while that song can no longer be found anywhere (I tried looking… I really did!), this super duper yummy ice cream can still be found everywhere in Singapore and enjoyed by people from all ages!

The $1 Ice Cream

This is probably the one thing that isn’t hit with inflation through the years (but then again, $1 was a lot in the past…). I can’t remember it being sold at any other price, even till this very day!

The Ice Cream uncles used to be a common sight in neighbourhoods (still makes a daily appearance in mine!), with their motorcycle and mobile freezer parked outside schools or at any open spaces between housing blocks, ringing their bells to announce their arrival. Now, however, they’re more commonly found along the stretch of Orchard Road.

Just looking at these make me want to have a bite of the fried fritter, Paddle Pop and $1 ice cream, even though I know I made them using Play-Doh! Please excuse me while I go hunt some of these down to munch on.

While waiting for my return, why not join the…

Play-Doh Giveaway!

I have a $50 Play-Doh hamper for one lucky winner, thanks to the people over at Hasbro! Just follow the widget below and keep your fingers crossed that you’re the lucky winner!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Play-Doh Giveaway Terms and Conditions:
– Giveaway ends 16 August, Sunday 2359 hours (Singapore time)
– Limited to one winner per household
– Winners must be in Singapore to self-collect the hamper
– Winners will be selected by 20 August 2015
– Incomplete or invalid entries will be automatically disqualified without notice
– This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook
– Winners will be contacted by Hasbro Singapore (So please make sure you fill up the correct details in the contest!)
– All personal details provided in this contest will be kept confidential. Only details of the winners will be shared with Hasbro Singapore to facilitate the collection of prize.
– We may or may not announce the winner(s) on our social media platforms. Permission will be seek from the winner(s) first.
– We reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice

* * *

Winners have been selected and emails have been sent!

Thanks to everyone who participated 😀

Disclaimer: We received a set of 20 Play-Doh tubs from Hasbro Singapore for the purpose of giveaway.

  1. I love eating roti prata with sugar as a kid! but as i grew up, i progressed to eating with curry. 🙂

  2. Paddle pop and the small little packets of tidbits from mama shop were my favorite snack after school.

  3. during my school day . will always drop by the taman jurong No 1 market for yummy food. during the day time will go there to eat their Crayfish fried mee is so nice . the gravy is in dark brown colour and mix with the chilli is so yummy

    and when night time will go there for their fried bee hoon chicken wing. and will go along with the bowl of cold cheng teng there .

    but sad the market have demolish to build HDB. they have shift to the near by food court area but the feeling and the taste is slightly different .

    1. Crayfish Fried Mee sounds delicious! I’ve only ever tried Crayfish Hor Fun at this cafe around Changi area and that was delicious!

      Could it be that cos it’s now in a food court, it doesn’t feel as authentic anymore, that’s why the taste is slightly different?

  4. During my polytechnic days, there was a canteen store selling Chicken Chop. The Chicken was always very crispy & yummy and portion was fairly big hence always draw the longest queue. Years after graduation, hubby and me decided to go back for the chicken chop but unfortunately the uncle retired already. Till today , still missed the taste of the chicken…. sob sob !

    1. Reminds me of a stall in my primary school canteen (chicken franks and rice with this special black sauce)and another in my secondary school (sauteed minced meat, steamed egg and rice).. both were delicious and my everyday meals in school!

  5. I remember the weekends my parents brought me to the wet market to get some of the best tasting chwee kuehs! Love the perfectly fried and oily chai por topping!!! Always ask for more from the chwee kueh auntie. Haha.

  6. When I was younger, I remember my mom would buy a cendol and all 4 or 3 of us would share it. We would count how many spoonfulls each of us has taken already so no one will feel cheated that they didn’t have their equal share. Being the youngest, somehow I feel cheated because they can scoop out the best chunks and I would be left with the…ice 🙁 As I grew older and able to afford to buy a cendol for myself and only for myself 😉 I look back at this experience and happy that I get to share the cendol with my siblings because that taught me the value of not taking things for granted and of course the value of sharing. Now, I couldn’t even finish a whole cendol by myself. Where are your greedy siblings when you need them? 🙂

    1. We should go eat Chendol together cos I only eat the ice! Haha! I can never finish any of the old-school desserts on my own, now I share them with my husband and children 😀

  7. Colourful Tic-Tac which is still available nowadays and it come in more flavours and packaging (e.g. Minion).

  8. My fondest memory would be when my grandfather was still alive, and we visited him every Sunday. He would bring us to the old-school playground, and buy us the ice-cream bread from the uncle after that. We had to share, but it was the best ice-cream we had. Somehow, the ones now don’t taste as good.

  9. Liked and shared on Facebook:) Really hope to win this amazing giveaway!:) I can imagine both my princesses having so much fun!:)

  10. I love Satay as a kid and now too! I remember the Satay man that comes by our estate on a motorbike shouting ‘Satay! Satay!’ and everyone will crowd around to eat or buy Satay.

  11. Rojak, it is really a great food to introduce to tourist. It represent racial harmony, regardless religion, races and we are united together to go through bad and good time.

    1. I never saw Rojak in this light before! But come to think about it, it really does show how well random things can come together by one common ingredient (the sauce) and all will taste awesome!

  12. I remembered when I was a little gal, I love eating ice gems but only the pretty colourful top and not the plain brown bottom biscuit. Now, my little gal is following my footsteps too.

  13. I had difficulty entering a comment on my mobile, then when I managed to get to my laptop I realized I totally forgot what was the question! 🙁 I think it was about local food that we have fond memories or would make with Playdoh (sorry, I really have a bad memory). If so, then it would be 9 layer cake, which I loved peeling off layer by layer, as well as those Ais Gems biscuits, which we always ate the icing tops first. Both would look so good in Playdoh form! (Your Paddlepop really looks like the real deal, and you made me hungry reading this post!)

    1. You got the question right! So your memory is better than you think 😀

      I used to love peeling the 9-layer cake when I was younger, now… Haha! I just chomp it down!

  14. Actually, my fondest memory of food is food that are made by my grandma. In particular is her home made Chwee Kueh. From when the age I can remember, ah ma always made her signature Chwee Kueh whenever there is big event in the family, be it birthday, or CNY. My ah ma has long passed on but have to say that her Chwee Kueh taste has remained in my memory chip and we can never get that taste anywhere again.

    1. Homemade chwee kueh! Impressive! Did any of you manage to master the steps to replicate the chwee kueh your grandma used to make? It’ll be awesome if someone did!

  15. i like the ais gem biscuits. i always eat the colourful tops first. my eldest now does the same too.

  16. Loved ice lollies/popsicles, sng bao during my primary school days. Great after a hot day/PE class!

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