
Father’s Day Celebration: The Actual Day

June 17, 2014


About two weeks back, we celebrated Father’s Day with my dad’s side of the family with the ‘Best Dad Ever’ Chocolate Truffle Cake by Emicakes. And two days back, the actual Father’s Day, we got to try the other flavor – Durian – with my mom’s side of the family. Yay!

Daddy’s Mustache design

It was a simple family get-together, albeit me going solo, with Sean and the children staying home.

If you must know, Nakayla fell asleep just before I went out to get the cake, and she stayed asleep through the night, waking up only at 7+ the next morning to get ready for school. She must’ve been really tired from the morning swim class!

Baby girl was still sound asleep when I got home

As for Blake, he wasn’t keen to head out, knowing that daddy will be home with Nakayla. Haha. Oh well! Fly solo, I shall!

One of the things my elder sister couldn’t wait to do, from the moment I arrived, was to present my dad with his gift from us.

Dashboard camera! And no, not endorsing this brand.

I found out a couple of months earlier that my dad hadn’t had much luck with the dashboard cameras he exchanged at a certain petrol station, using his points. I think he must’ve gone back to have the cameras changed 3 times (faulty products) before the in-store manager gave up and just gave him a cash refund. For a brief moment there, I thought I saw my dad looking super upset and disappointed with his latest toy taken away from him. And for the first time ever, we actually agreed on the Father’s Day gift before Mother’s Day. Haha!

With me supplying the idea of what to get, my elder sister took it upon herself to research and purchase the product on behalf of us. So glad she did that, because there’s no way I’ll squeeze with the crowd at the IT show! And, thank you, to whoever’s brilliant enough to hold the IT show a week before Father’s Day. Haha!

Then came the moment I’ve been waiting for.

Classic D24 Durian Cake in Daddy’s Mustache design

I’m not sure if you’re able to see it, but the colours from the alphabets ran a little, making it look like the words got smudged. I got a little upset by it, truth be told. But according to the staff, they said that it was pretty normal due to condensation. Sigh.

Looks aside, the freshness of the cake and durian is amazing! It is also surprisingly light to taste.

My dad, who usually only buys durians for us to eat, even went for a second slice! Knowing that I managed to get a cake that my dad likes eat (second servings is love, methinks!), I’m super happy! Thank you, Emicakes 😀

I brought a slice back for the husband, and he too gave it two thumbs up! 😀

That pretty much sums up how we celebrated Father’s Day over the weekend.

I hope all of you had a great time with your dads, and here’s wishing all the wonderful dads a Happy (belated) Father’s Day!

Disclaimer: I received a cake specially for Father’s Day by Emicakes for the purpose of this review.

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