Meet the Parents

Timeout Thursday: Bare Your Sole 2014

August 7, 2014


The elder sis text us eagerly, asking us to join her in the annual Bare Your Sole walk. Honestly, I was very hesitant. The thought of walking barefooted on possibly hot pavement or icky, muddy grass patches is quite the turn off for me. I tried to come up with excuses but failed.

As it turns out, it wasn’t that bad, except the loose stones here and there (ouch!), and millipedes!

Those little creatures had us (okay, maybe just me) jumping up and down like maniacs whenever we saw them! I know they are tiny, and one step from us could potentially kill them, but I was without any form of footwear! There’s still that girly-girl somewhere inside of me, despite being able to whack wasps and cockroaches out of mid-air, okay? Haha!

The Bare Foot Walkers at the start

We saw this beauty along the way!

My siblings must be really happy to take a photo with me…

Mother requested, so must take a nice one 😛

In case you’re wondering why my brother-in-law isn’t in the above photo, he left earlier for work, while the rest of us walked full 5km (maybe more cos we took a detour).

The brother trying to photobomb with his slippers. Haha!

The half-way mark

My attempt at taking a group shot while walking

And it’s done! We did it!

You have no idea how much more I appreciate my footwear now. I was completely wiped out for the rest of the day, and the two days that followed had me going through the daily motions in quite a bit of aches and pains. Even wearing heels for a whole day didn’t have such an effect on me!

Nonetheless, it was really fun and it is a meaningful event. I wouldn’t mind taking part again next year!

Psst… My mom took this shot!

* * *

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For more details, please read my first Timeout Thursday post

Amazingly Still

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