Meet the Parents

Timeout Thursday: The First Post

June 27, 2013

A new linky party has begin!

Timeout Thursday is a monthly linky, held on every first Thursday of the month, that touches on anything and everything under the sun, except our children and motherhood. Yes! It’s timeout for the mommies and daddies!

This linky aims to show the world that becoming a parent doesn’t mean one stops living their life as an individual. While we celebrate motherhood and fatherhood from the day our children were born, there are times where the mommy and daddy cloak comes off.

From the outing that made you feel like a child all over again, to having a night out or two without the children, to attending classes to enrich yourself, and anything that is of your interest and/or inspires you as an individual, and maybe, even your life before the kids! This linky is to indulge you as a person!

Join me in this monthly linky of self-indulgence! Starting next Thursday, 4 July 2013!

Amazingly Still

P.S. A big shout out and thanks to Adeline! She was the one who inspired me to start this linky! 😀

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