Meet the Parents

Timeout Thursday: Little Miss Vainpot

October 2, 2014


Before I became a mother, I took great pride in maintaining my hair. From straightening it to playing with different hairstyles I find online to trying different cuts. This has got to be the most girly side of me, apart from shopping, considering my only must-have make up is to draw my eyebrows and I don’t do manicure/pedicure or follow any regime when it comes to maintaining my youth.

The moment I became the main caregiver to Blake and Nakayla, I basically shut down this part of me. Reasons being – I don’t have enough time to spend at the hair salon to get anything done, and also because all these cost quite a bit (for a person with no income).

It reached a point where I didn’t cut my hair for about two years, and my hair grew till about waist length!

But now that the children are both in school, and I have more time, I decided to save up and pamper my hair again.

The first step I took was to get it cut shorter so that I don’t have to tie my hair anymore (my scalp and receding hairline thanks me, I believe) and then to straighten it to tame it.

All these were done over my 27th birthday, and with all the positive feedback received, I decided to keep my hair short!

So last week, after feeling a little annoyed with my hair growing out and rubbing against my shoulders, I went for another haircut. And this time round, I went shorter with some fringe!

I feel like a little girl again!

I’m still trying to get used to my shorter short hair – there’s nothing left for me to flip or tie! But I’m thankful for the coolness it brings. And based on my calculations, my hair should be at the perfect length by the time it’s Nakayla’s birthday!

* * *

There is only one rule for Timeout Thursday, and that is,
This linky is all about indulging us, the parents!

Grab the code below, link up back here with your post URL, and it’s all good to go!
Linky party will be open for 3 weeks from the first Thursday of every month.
For more details, please read my first Timeout Thursday post

Amazingly Still

    1. Hi Amie! Thank you! Haha, yes… It was very long. Part of the reason why it’s always tied up in a bun when I head out. Haha!

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