Media Invite The start of a new school year marks the start of a new routine and schedule. What a change from what we’ve been so used to for the past few years. Thankfully, the children have been adjusting well in their respective schools on their own. We also had some help to normalize things […]
Tag: Blake’s Seventh Year
Media Invite The children had a sneak peek into the life of being a chef when they attended the pizza making workshop at Atmosphere Bistro along East Coast Parkway. They learnt about the importance of personal hygiene while handling food and were walked through the steps of thorough hand-washing before following the chefs to wash […]
Dinosaurs have arrived at the Singapore Zoo! I was a little slow in finding out about this, despite receiving regular newsletter from them. Haha! So when the opportunity came knocking, I took the children out of school again. Don’t judge. It’s the last year I can do this with both children before Blake heads off […]
Entertainment Review On a particular Saturday morning, the children woke up excitingly early. Usually, I’ll let the husband handle them, but that morning, I jumped out of bed the moment Blake and Nakayla came into our room to wish us ‘Good Morning’. The reason for this excitement, as you can guess from the title of […]
The stars aligned for all of us one day, and we were able to pay the zoo a visit together with Lin Ying and Natasha, along with their children and superhelper! Woohoo! Our initial plan was to meet as early as possible so we can spend more time together exploring the zoo and feeding the […]