Meet the Parents

March School Holidays 2018 Itinerary

March 7, 2018

The final week of the first school term is coming to an end, which only means the March school holiday will be starting in just a couple of days time! Hurray for the children and me!

There really is no difference between the me when I was in primary school and now, when I’m a mother of a primary school kid… I still count down to the school holidays! Haha!

And, as with all the past school holidays, we’re staying put in Singapore this March holiday. I know, I know, it’s so boring to some of you for staying put, but I’ve got some nice stuff planned for the children and me!

Note: This list was written in no particular order.

Disney on Ice

This is practically a staple for the March school holidays now, and the one event I look forward to the most when this time of the year comes around.

And this year, not only are the opening night tickets sold at $25 per ticket across all categories (except rink side, VIP), by some stroke of auto-seat-assigned luck, I managed to purchase the exact same seats as last year too! Woohoo!

Peter Rabbit the Movie

The kids had watched A Peter Rabbit Tale by The Little Company and recognized the show immediately when they saw the movie trailer on YouTube. I had no idea they had seen the movie trailer until I came across the movie poster and asked if they were keen to watch when it’s out. It was a resounding “YES!!!”

Circus! Science Under The Big Top Exhibition

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This is one exhibition I’ve been meaning to bring the children to ever since it opened but have yet to find the time to, seeing how we usually spend the whole day there. Haha! Hopefully, during this March school holiday, we’ll be able to make it before the holiday ends!

Rock Climbing

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The children have been pretty into rock climbing since their first visit to Clip ‘n Climb last December and this March holidays, My Little Climbing Room invited us over to have some climbing good time! I’ve told the children about it and they’re pretty psyched in exploring a new place!

Watch this space for our review after the visit.

Gardens by the Bay

Ever since we became Friends of the Gardens last year, we’ve been visiting practically every school holiday! Haha! Whether or not there’ll be a new floral exhibition over at Flower Dome this March school holidays, we’re so going to drop by!

Bento Making Workshops

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With the children participating in Cold Storage Kids Run this year, I thought to sign them up for some of the workshops happening during the March school holidays, namely the bento making workshop, as the children have been eager to help whenever I’m in the kitchen. Gotta get some life skills in with all that fun we’ll be having!

If you can’t make it to the workshop by Cold Storage Kids Run, there’s another similar bento making workshop by Explorer Kid to consider as well.

The Live Turtle and Tortoise Museum of Singapore

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News of its potential closure at the end of March prompted me to include this into our March school holiday to-do list. I’ve always thought this place will be around, and that I can bring the children whenever, but now that there’s this uncertainty, we have to make it down no matter what!

While it’s been said that PM Lee had responded to the owner’s plea to save the museum, there’s still no guarantee that the museum will stay or be re-located. I’m definitely not going to take any chances!

Universal Studios Singapore Night

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And on the last of this list, a night trip to Universal Studios Singapore that’s exclusively for Islanders! Both children are finally tall enough to ride almost all the rides! Yay!

Blake can technically go on Battlestar Galactica, but I don’t want to traumatize him just yet. Haha! Perhaps when he’s older, like say around 11-12 years old? Cos that’s when I took my first rollercoaster and I lavished in the adrenaline that came with it! It was a truly unforgettable moment that I enjoy reliving again and again when I go on these rides! Hehe!

Compared to my last term break itinerary, this March school holiday is pretty haphazardly planned. Haha! I don’t have a fixed date or time for half of the things listed here nor did I look into wet weather alternative. Haha! But hey! I’ve still got things lined up for the children, so it’s just a matter of which day of the week it’ll materialize! All I need now is for the March school holidays to start… March holidays, can you like just start now? Pretty, please?

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