September School Holidays 2017 Itinerary

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Friends of Wildlife: Singapore Zoo Part 2

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That Epic Bird Park Trip: The Shows

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Perfectly Imperfect Photos

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Meet the Children

Blake’s First Day of School – Getting There

June 17, 2012

Preparation for Blake’s first day of school started about at least a month ago. You can read about it here. A month before the first day of school, I’ve been trying to adjust Blake’s sleeping time. He sleeps really late at night, and sleeps through till noon the next day on most days. But if […]

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Meet the Children

Before Attending Preschool

June 13, 2012

Prepping for Blake’s first day of school started as early as a few months ago. First order of business, to find the preschool that’s comfortable with Blake and us. We actually had a list of schools we wanted to enroll Blake in, but most of them were pretty far from our house. On top of […]

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Meet the Parents

First Trip Out (on my own)

June 8, 2012

I almost forgot about this particular milestone! In the first 3-4 months of Blake’s life, I never dared to bring him out on my own. Not until a friend who finally returned to Singapore asked me out for lunch. Alex (that’s what I call her) hardly ever returns to Singapore since she went over to […]

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Meet the Children

Blake Flips

April 24, 2012

7 February 2011: This video contains a milestone of Blake’s first year 🙂 That very evening, our little boy learned how to flip himself, from his back to his chest! We were so excited when we saw him achieve such an awesome feat the first time, we were eager to video the process. He was […]

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